Friday, July 24, 2015

The view from the top (Part 4 of 4)

The memorable part of messaging it the simple statement at the top. You can think of it as your tag line or the one thing you want everyone to remember. I went to and there on the scrolling banners are their key top level messages. "Get a better return on relationships" … great top level message. Speaks to what it does, the value it delivers, and makes you want to know more.

Many people want to start at the top because it is the sexy part, the part most seen. But without understanding what you have, and what value it provides, you can spend a lot of time coming up with catchy phrases that you can not support.

In todays crowded marketplace, your top level message has to be designed not to just garner attention, but attention with the people who can buy your product. If you have started at the bottom, and driven through the middle, you should have a good idea of what you need to say to reflect the rest of your message platform.

If you are starting from the top, here are some suggestions on how to kickstart the process;
  • Look at your differentiation
  • Start with the pressing need or driver for your solution
  • Drive home the benefit or value you deliver

After you have identified 3-5 good candidates, then proceed to see if you can provide reasonable proof for your claim. If not, move to the next. Don't get too attached to any particular direction early in the process. Narrow it down to a couple and then test it on your target audience, or your trusted advisers who can stand in for them.

Messaging Series:
  • Meet you in the middle Part 3

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