Friday, July 24, 2015

Your trusted advisors

Did I mention that trying to tackle messaging by yourself results in predictable results? Something you love, but no one else does. It is best to assemble a team of trusted advisors who can brainstorm with you. The key factor in assembling your team is that they are not all like you.. But people you can trust to be honest and constructive with you.

Here are some suggestions on picking team members;
  • Get cross discipline representation.. Sales, product development, support
  • Look for a member who knows little about your product/solution but is strong in the creative area (sometimes we get too close)
  • Find the best messaging person you know!

When you assemble your team be very specific on what you want them to do, and set up a couple of sessions to deliver results. Do not try to do it all at once. Give messaging time to develop and mature. You may have an idea of where you want to end-up, but do not force that direction. See if the team can get there on their own.

Most of all, make it fun. Make sure everyone has a voice, a vote and is respected. Move through a brainstorm phase where everything is captured, before you start critiquing them.

Remember messaging is part art, part science and never done!

Iterate, test, iterate.

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